Source code for dict_validator.fields.wildcard_dict_field

from dict_validator import Field

[docs]class Any(Field): """ Wildcard value. """ def _validate(self, value):
[docs]class WildcardDict(Field): """ Match a dict with any dict with any key/value pairs. :param key_schema: Field subclass to be used to validate/serialize/deserialize the keys. Optional. If undefined the keys are accepted as is. :param value_schema: Field subclass to be used to validate/serialize/deserialize the values. Optional. If undefined the values are accepted as is. >>> from dict_validator import validate, describe, serialize, deserialize >>> class Schema: ... field = WildcardDict() >>> list(validate(Schema, {"field": {}})) [] >>> list(validate(Schema, {"field": {"key": "value"}})) [] >>> list(validate(Schema, {"field": 11})) [(['field'], 'Not a dict')] >>> from pprint import pprint In field's description there are two special nodes: *{KEY}* and *{VALUE}* that respectively correspond to the schemas applied to keys and values of the payload. >>> pprint(list(describe(Schema)), width=70) [([], {'type': 'Dict'}), (['field'], {'type': 'WildcardDict'}), (['field', '{KEY}'], {'type': 'Any'}), (['field', '{VALUE}'], {'type': 'Any'})] If it is need it is possible to have validation for keys, values or both. This can be achieved by defining respective schemas. >>> class SampleOnly(Field): ... ... def _validate(self, value): ... if not value.startswith("sample"): ... return "Not a sample" ... ... def serialize(self, value): ... return value.lstrip("py(").rstrip(")") ... ... def deserialize(self, value): ... return "py(" + value + ")" >>> class Schema: ... field = WildcardDict(key_schema=SampleOnly(), ... value_schema=SampleOnly()) >>> pprint(list(describe(Schema)), width=70) [([], {'type': 'Dict'}), (['field'], {'type': 'WildcardDict'}), (['field', '{KEY}'], {'type': 'SampleOnly'}), (['field', '{VALUE}'], {'type': 'SampleOnly'})] >>> list(validate(Schema, {"field": { ... "sample_field": "sample_value" ... }})) [] >>> list(validate(Schema, {"field": { ... "foobar": "sample_value" ... }})) [(['field', 'foobar'], 'Key error: Not a sample')] >>> list(validate(Schema, {"field": { ... "sample_field": "foobar" ... }})) [(['field', 'sample_field'], 'Value error: Not a sample')] >>> from argparse import Namespace >>> serialize(Schema, Namespace( ... field={"py(foobar)": "py(sample_value)"} ... )) {'field': {'foobar': 'sample_value'}} >>> deserialize(Schema, {"field": {"foobar": "sample_value"}}).field {'py(foobar)': 'py(sample_value)'} """ def __init__(self, key_schema=None, value_schema=None, **kwargs): super(WildcardDict, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._key_schema = key_schema or Any() self._value_schema = value_schema or Any()
[docs] def describe(self): for result in super(WildcardDict, self).describe(): yield result for (child_path, description) in self._key_schema.describe(): yield (['{KEY}'] + child_path, description) for (child_path, description) in self._value_schema.describe():
yield (['{VALUE}'] + child_path, description) def _validate(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): yield "Not a dict" return for key, payload in value.items(): for (child_path, error) in self._key_schema.validate(key): yield ([key] + child_path, "Key error: " + error) for (child_path, error) in self._value_schema.validate(payload): yield ([key] + child_path, "Value error: " + error)
[docs] def serialize(self, value): ret_val = {} for key, val in value.items(): ret_val[self._key_schema.serialize(key)] = \ self._value_schema.serialize(val)
return ret_val
[docs] def deserialize(self, value): ret_val = {} for key, val in value.items(): ret_val[self._key_schema.deserialize(key)] = \ self._value_schema.deserialize(val)
return ret_val