Source code for dict_validator.field

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class Field(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ The "leaf" primitive data type in a schema. E.g. string, integer, float, etc. :param description: textual explanation of what the field represents :param required: True by default. If false - the field is optional Each field subclass must implement :meth:`_validate` abstract method. Each field may also implement :meth:`_describe` method. Apart from that if custom serialization mechanisms should be in place serialize and deserialize methods can be overridden to provide non-default behaviour. See helper functions for reference implementations of the class. .. document private functions .. automethod:: _describe .. automethod:: _validate """ def __init__(self, description=None, required=True): self._description = description self._required = required
[docs] def _describe(self): """ Implement to supply extra info for field's public description. :return: **str:%JSON-SERIALIZABLE%** key:value pairs :rtype: dict
[docs] @abstractmethod def _validate(self, value): """ Validate the incoming value, return error message or yield several error messages if there are errors.
""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def serialize(self, value): """ :return: a payload ready to be sent over the wire """
return value # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def deserialize(self, value): """ :param value: a payload sent over the wire :return: a payload with Python specific data types """
return value @property def required(self): """ Do not override. :return: True if the field has to be present in the incoming dict """ return self._required
[docs] def describe(self): """ Do not override. :yield: (path, {...description...}), e.g (["parent", "child"], {"required": False}) """ description = self._describe() or {} description["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ if not self._required: description["required"] = False if self._description: description["description"] = self._description
yield ([], description)
[docs] def validate(self, value): """ Do not override. :param value: a payload :yield: (path, erro_msg), e.g (["parent", "child"], "Error message") """ result = self._validate(value) if result is None: return elif isinstance(result, str): yield ([], result) else: for chunk in result: if isinstance(chunk, (list, tuple)): yield chunk else:
yield([], chunk)